iprof.net dennis lcc-related goodies

Another End of Semester

Another semester has come to a close. It is a time that is both joyous and sad. I’ve got no big plans this summer, except to teach a couple of online courses for the college. We will travel a bit to Northern Michigan throughout the summer, but that is it. Have a safe summer and see you on the Internet…


Five Tips on Being a Better Web Designer

A great article with 5 things you can do today to be a better designer – even if you are new to the field. I especially like #1 – I’ve read some of those books and it does help to understand where we’ve been to see where we are headed.

Alternatives to Photoshop

It’s more from a Photography standpoint, but appropriate for Web Design in my opinion. I use Lightroom and Pixelmator. Good article from DPReview. Some are free and some are not, most are from a Mac perspective, but some Windows choices too.

Techsmith Design Studio

TechSmith in Okemos is hosting two Design Studios for LCC Students. This is a great opporunity to see what TechSmith does and how they solve problems. The sessions are scheduled for Tuesday, February, 19, 2013- 10:00am – 12:00pm, at TechSmith and Wednesday, February, 20, 2013- 6:00pm – 8:00pm, at TechSmith If you attend one (or both) of these AND write 3-4 paragraphs of your experience, you will be eligible for extra credit!!

Site Optimization Tips

There is some good material here on speeding up the site and making it more efficient. http://designmodo.com/optimizing-website-speed/