iprof.net dennis lcc-related goodies

Ten Beginner Programming Mistakes

Some good thing to avoid if you are new (or not so new) to any type of development, from my favorite magazine Top Ten Programming Mistakes

Flickr Didn’t Drop the “e” on Purpose

Great story to any geek…http://www.quora.com/Flickr/Why-did-Flickr-drop-the-e

LCC Mobile App

Lansing Community College in conjunction with Desire2Learn has released a new Campus Life mobile application for students called Lansing Community College Online! This free application is available for iPhone, Android, and Blackberry.

The Lansing Community College Online mobile application provides access for students to:

• The Desire2Learn Mobile Site
• A Direct Grades List for Each Course
• A Direct Classlist for Each Course
• Campus News Fed Directly from Student News in myLCC
• Campus Maps including Buildings and Parking Locations
• LCC Social Networking (Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter)

To Download this application, please visit the Apple App Store, Google Play, or Blackberry App World.

2013 Web Design Trends

A good article to get your juices flowing for 2013. http://mashable.com/2013/01/04/web-design-trends-2013/

Programming Learning Chart

Lots of good helpful information on getting started, especially for JavaScript. From the site:

Start by going through an online tutorial, and then either read through some of a book or watch an online course.
No matter where you start, just start!