iprof.net dennis lcc-related goodies

Responsive Web Design

All the cool kids are talking about Responsive Web Design. This is the link from the original post on the topic

of making a Web site available and accessible on all devices, regardless of screen size. This eventually turned into an excellent book on the topix, too.

Goodbye Flash and Good Riddance

Adobe announced today that Adobe Flash is now Adobe Animate:

For nearly two decades, Flash Professional has been the standard for producing rich animations on the web. Because of the emergence of HTML5 and demand for animations that leverage web standards, we completely rewrote the tool over the past few years to incorporate native HTML5 Canvas and WebGL support.

They saw the writing on the wall and I think Apple (and the late Steve Jobs) had something to do with this, since Apple devices don’t include support for Adobe Flash.

Flash served a purpose, but was abused on the Web. I for one, am glad to see it go away

What Hiring Managers Wish YOU Knew

Great tips on job interviews. The job hiring process has changed soo much over time, so this is a good current article with some solid tips! Lifehacker has a solid write up.

Some of the best tips: Research the Company, Come Prepared with Questions, and Write A Thank You Note.


New Sitcom about Working from Home

The trailer for the show is kinda odd, but this could be a good show. It depends on how they decide to pull it off. The show starts Sep 21, http://www.creativebloq.com/web-design/web-designers-take-centre-stage-new-sitcom-91516753


Behind the App – Filezilla

Hard to believe this little application has been around for 15 years, but it has. Fun story about a program I use a lot as a Web Developer.
